Taste His Goodness & Thirst For More!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Have you ever tasted the goodness of God after a long thirsty spell, and yet once the thirst was quenched by God Himself, you end up thirsting for more? We are never completely aware of how much grace we need from God, but once tasting His goodness we find He has more waiting for us & wants us to desire Him even more. Read Ps 42:1-2

It is amazing to me how thirsty we can get even after having just drank our fill from a never ending stream of water. His grace never stops flowing as I continue to thirst for Him even when I have been filled. Most of us lack that authentic burning desire for our Triune God, but He wants to be wanted! In His sovereign ways He will move us to thirst after Him mostly by pouring out His grace all over us. Also, His mercies are delivered to us fresh each morning many times even as we sleep. How could we ever not want our God after experiencing His gracious goodness...it makes me thirst for Him even more!

It is a spiritually dry land we live in today. People are starving for what God can give them yet they are drinking from every fountain in town except the one fountain that delivers a never ending stream of fresh water...Jesus Christ!

So, just a deer pants with his head hung low for a fresh stream of water to quench his dry thirsty mouth, we too must come to God with this same humble desire to be quenched in the fountain of His never ending love.


Our Hypocrisy Shines Through Our Externalized Religion!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The Hypocrisy Jesus was talking about: "You use great , wonderful words, but you don't mean them. You talk about love, but you don't love. You talk about forgiveness, but you don't forgive. You talk about acceptance, but you don't accept." Too 'churchy' in word w/out sincerity at heart can externalize our religion. It is right attitude along with right words that count.

People outside the church have been listening to our empty words for decades and want nothing to do with our church or religion at all, because they heard us talk about loving them, but only received a bunch of stiff necked hypocrites. They were different than we were, they heard from the church we should accept those different, but all they received was snobby nosed outwardly religious zealots. We cannot influence the world around us as a church if we are praising with our lips while our hearts are stone cold towards the people we are claiming to minister to. The church has little affect today because of such hypocrisy.

For Reference: Mark 7:6-7 "Jesus replied to the Jewish leaders saying, 'Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written, 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vein; their teachings are but rules taught by men.'"

For me, I must watch the very words I use to make sure they match up with my heart. Do not be mistaken though, truth must be said. Sin is still sin in the eyes of God and God will not overlook our sin apart from the blood of Christ covering our life. But my challenge for 2010 is to deliver my words with more emphasis on grace than of anger. A persons words can sure be mistaken for hatred when delivered in the wrong way. Grace filled truth penetrates a person's heart much faster with more effectiveness than vile empty platitudes.

"Lord, I must confess my own times when I have suffered from the sinful illness of hypocrisy by worshipping outwardly, but my heart was dry as dead men's bones. I am truly grateful and thankful you have forgiven me for these ills against You. Teach me daily to worship You and exalt You both in spirit and in truth as Your holy Word says to. Thank You, Jesus, for not counting this against me and in your patience can teach me true worship through prayer, meditation on Your Word, listening intently to the great men of God You have placed in my life weekly, and singing the old hymns and new praises. May I be forever to the praise of Your wonderful glory. AMEN!"


A New Year & A New Desire!

Friday, January 1, 2010


A new year has begun. It snuck in last night in the darkness with innocence and striving to be better than the last one. Thinking over the past year's struggles and lessons served as confirmation that man's free will cannot remove us from sinning. Only God can direct our results to make the right choices. When we find ourselves in sin, it is a reflection of our human inability to make the right choices. We cannot "will" ourselves not to sin only God over time changes the inner the desires of the Believer's heart towards holiness & us making the right choices. I am afraid this comes through painful growing wilderness journeys.

Refer to Romans 7:15-20 Paul struggled with the desire to do what was right yet ended up in sin. I can jump right in the middle of that one...it plagues me daily. Example Paul used: the 10Th commandment (by the way commandments are not suggestions). Thou shall not covet...Paul's desire was not to covet, yet he ended up coveting anyway. Paul found that just based on his own will-power or free-will not to covet would not keep him from coveting...when he desired (in Christ) not to covet & allowed the Spirit of God to rule in his life's desires, this is when he did not sin by coveting. Paul discovered our desires do drive our choices, but it is the God given desires which make for right choices, not the other way around.

Contemplating over the desires of the heart we need to ask ourselves "is the good I want to do really because it is something the Holy Spirit is prompting me to do, or is it for self-righteous reasons?" Make sure the reasons for our desires are pure and godly in order to find ourselves making the right choices. Over the year to come we can improve on making right choices, but it will require a daily diet of God's Word & drinking a constant solution of prayer, but the main ingredient in our daily meal is the "will of God" being powerfully active in our lives. As our desires direct our choices, we need to make sure the results reflect a true godly desire to do what is right laced with holiness and God glorifying aroma.


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This blog is a collection of writings of Scott Bailey. Go to www.dadsdevoted.com for other archived postings and information. www.EnGhedi.com is the new site for Scott Bailey.

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